The Group will be active in the community to work to promote the benefit of the inhabitants of the Seskinore and local area. SRCG will work with local statutory authorities, voluntary organisations in a common effort to advance education, to provide facilities in the interests of social welfare for the recreation or other leisure time occupation with the object of improving the conditions of life for inhabitants and to encourage regeneration/investment opportunities to ensure the continued growth of our vibrant community. SRCG will encourage the community to come together by organising events. SRCG will help various parties engage to develop Seskinore Forest for the Benefit of all the community.
Check out our local events, news and updates on all things Seskinore. Everything from our 5k Run to our ongoing Seskinore Forest Development Project.
Our forest park offers so much to our local community. It’s a vital resource, and a place to relax and enjoy the great outdoors with beautiful flora and fauna and many walks and trails.
Seskinore village and estate has a rich history that’s over 300 years old. From the old McClintock estate owners to its use as a World War II American Base. Check out our archive.